Drug Addiction and Rehab in Miami Gardens, FL (786) 724-0454

miami gardens drug treatment centersDrug addiction knows no limitations on gender, income, or race. At Miami Gardens Drug Treatment Centers, our addiction experts can help people suffering from addictions to one or more substances as a means to finally feel better and be free from the harmful and sometimes life-threatening effects of addiction. When a person experiences a true addiction to a substance, drug rehabilitation is often the only intervention that can help a person finally quit for good.

What Is Addiction? How Does It Differ From Dependence?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction has several key characteristics. It is:

  • A chronic condition that can lead to relapse (returning to drug use after quitting)
  • Changes to neurotransmitters in the brain that cause a person to compulsively seek out a drug.
  • A person loses control over his or her relationship with a drug or alcohol and will give up many things he or she once enjoyed to use the drug instead.

Our staff at Miami Gardens Drug Treatment Centers, knows there is a difference between addiction and dependence. Dependence is when a person’s body has become accustomed to taking a drug. Without it, a person will experience withdrawals. While dependence is part of addiction, all who are dependent aren’t addicted. For example, a person who takes medication for chronic back pain is dependent upon the medication. But a person who abuses pain medication frequently to get high and has lost control over their use is addicted, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Holistic Help Is Here (786) 724-0454

Addiction is a disease of the brain. A common misconception is that a person can simply use willpower to stop when they want to. For those who are truly addicted, this isn’t the case. Addiction is a physical and mental illness that requires rehabilitation to stop using once and for all.

At Miami Gardens Drug Treatment Centers, our staff utilizes a holistic approach. According to HelpGuide.org, “Treatment should address more than just your drug abuse.” At our center, our medical experts utilize an approach that acknowledges the physical and mental effects of addiction. We can use medications and medical approaches to minimize withdrawal effects. We also provide alternative and stress-relieving treatments, such as massage and meditation, to help a person learn to live a life free from drug abuse.

Success in a Rehabilitation Environment

The stronghold drug addiction can take over someone’s body and mind can make beating addiction difficult. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, those who seek treatment are able to stop using drugs and enhance their physical and psychological well-being.

Each person who battles addiction is unique. Miami Gardens Drug Treatment Centers takes into account each individual’s history of abuse, overall health, and many other factors into account when helping a person overcome their drug addiction. While the road to living a drug-free lifestyle isn’t easy, it is one that’s worth it.

Detox is never an easy process. Miami Gardens Drug Treatment Centers makes the process as safe, comfortable, and serene as possible. Through scientifically based principles, our patients can detoxify their bodies with the greatest chances of success in staying sober. Call (786) 724-0454 Today!